How can we help you?

What we do...


Analysis of the factors affecting associate retention and recommendations on reward and wider employee value proposition

Analysis and Report

Analysis, report and recommendations to improve Inter-agency collaboration across North America network

360 Programme

360 Feedback programme for Global Leadership Team (GLT), complete with facilitation session at GLT European Conference, to help develop team performance and ways of working


Facilitation of Global Senior Leadership team off-site to help develop leadership capabilities

360 Programme

360 Feedback programme for whole partnership, complete with presentation of group analysis report to help develop partner performance and identify firm-wide issues

Analysis and Report

Analysis, report and recommendations following annual survey


In-depth consultancy with specific departments, complete with facilitated team interventions to help revamp vision, values and purpose

360 Programme

360 Feedback programme for whole partnership to help develop partner performance and provide firm-wide analysis


In-depth consultancy coupled with facilitation of senior leadership team sessions to define vision, values, strategy and corporate structure

360 Programme

360 Feedback programme across partner population to help highlight development opportunities in support of their career goals

360 Programme

360 Feedback programme for whole partnership, complete with presentation of group analysis report to help develop partner performance and identify firm-wide issues

360 Programme

360 Feedback programmes across multiple departments to help develop individual and team capabilities

I have found working with Bowland brilliant!

It's been very easy to work with them; they have supported me and I have felt listened to, and above all I have felt they know what they are doing – real experts in their field but with no arrogance.
Moira Slape, Chief People Officer

Travers Smith
The insight from John and Brendan was consistently excellent. In particular, we were pleasantly gobsmacked by the group analysis – insightful, timely, and presented with real skill and tact. It will really help us to perform and grow as a leadership team.
Shaun Harvey, Chief Financial & Operating Officer

Mewburn Ellis
The department is in a great place after this initiative because we have all learned so much about how to be better law firm partners; this encapsulates not just looking after clients, providing legal advice, etc, but additionally developing our people, looking after our team, developing strategies together, and collaborating effectively with focused and clear approach to teamwork.
Sarah Von Schmidt, Head of Private Client

Farrer & Co.
Bowland engaged with my management team over three days. Despite a fair degree of nervousness from my team in the opening stages, it soon became very clear that they were wholeheartedly buying in. This was, in large part, to John’s professional delivery and cleverly constructed discussions and exercises.

All elements of our personal interactions were examined, in a very engaging way, during the course of the offsite.  It was very clear to me that all members of the (very diverse) team had benefited from this introspection. We all left having learnt a lot about ourselves and how to live and work more productively with our colleagues.
David Tait, CEO

World Gold Council

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